Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts facilitate actions. For the apps listed below, you can view the available shortcuts while using the app. Note: Most apps do not use all the listed shortcuts. For example, Alt+c does not work in the Users app because you cannot duplicate a record in the Users app.

The action associated with the shortcut may vary slightly for different apps – for example, in the Dashboard app Alt+n is Create a new widget.

Keyboard shortcuts list

Action Shortcut keys
Create a new record Alt+n
Edit a record Ctrl+Alt+e
Save a record Ctrl+s
Expand or collapse an accordion Spacebar
Expand all accordions Ctrl+Alt+b
Collapse all accordions Ctrl+Alt+g
Go to Search & Filter pane Ctrl+Alt+h
View keyboard shortcuts list Ctrl+Alt+k
Duplicate a record Alt+c
Close a modal or pop-up Esc
Copy Ctrl+c
Cut Ctrl+x
Paste Ctrl+v
Find Ctrl+f

Keyboard shortcuts that are only available in one or two app:

Action Shortcut keys App used in
Add POL Alt+a Orders
Receive pieces/Quick receive Ctrl+Alt+r Receiving
Save a piece and create another Alt+s Receiving
Edit MARC record Ctrl+Shift+e Inventory
quickMARC only: Move to the next subfield in a text box Ctrl+] Inventory, MARC authority
quickMARC only: Move to the previous subfield in a text box Ctrl+[ Inventory, MARC authority

Viewing the keyboard shortcuts list

To view the list of available shortcut keys, follow these steps:

Click on the name of a FOLIO app from the top menu bar. The app opens and the app name displays at the top left of the window.

Click on the downward-facing caret, “v”, at the end of the app name.

Click Keyboard shortcuts to view the list of shortcut actions.

Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+k after opening the app.

List of apps displaying the shortcut list

The following apps display the list of keyboard shortcuts which can be viewed by following the steps described above.

  • Agreements
  • Courses
  • Dashboard
  • eHoldings
  • ERM comparisons
  • eUsage
  • Finance
  • Inventory
  • Invoices
  • Licenses
  • Lists
  • Local KB admin
  • MARC Authority
  • Orders
  • Organizations
  • Receiving
  • Requests
  • Serials
  • Users
Last modified March 13, 2025