
This section of the documentation contains links to external sites. Please be advised that these sites are not maintained by the FOLIO Documentation Group and may not be aligned with the current release of FOLIO.

The Lists app provides actionable lists in FOLIO at the point of need. Some use cases include:

  • Create a custom list when a report isn’t available in FOLIO;
  • Create lists of records across apps and record types;
  • Enable actions and workflows on a list of records;
  • Access a set of pre-generated (canned) lists.
  • Perform a cross-tenant query in ECS-enabled tenants. See Cross-tenant queries: Definitions, Functionality, Limitations for more information about Cross-tenant queries.

Functionality of the Lists app includes:

  • Lists persist, can be refreshed and edited;
  • List data updated in near real-time;
  • User-friendly process for building a query to create a list;
  • Duplication of lists;
  • Export records from a list as a .csv file;
  • Each list can include up to 1.25 million records.

Definition of terms related to the Lists app:

  • Record set: The set (or list) of records retrieved through a query.
  • Operator: The function applied in a query to match records by selected field and inputted value.
  • Value: The text and/or number(s) input to query records with a selected field and selected operator.
  • Field: The identifier used to query records.
  • Query: The search string used to generate a list that includes a field, operator, and value.
  • Source: The FOLIO account used to create and save a list.
  • FQM: FOLIO Query Machine. The query functionality in FOLIO.
  • Content permissions. GET permissions that limit access to record types in Lists app (and FQM) based on the user’s assigned permissions to view record types in FOLIO.


Lists app permissions and Content permissions are applied together to determine a user’s access to the Lists app. See Determining access in Lists app for more information.

Lists app permissions

The permissions listed below allow a user to interact with the Lists app and determine what the user can and cannot do within the app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Lists app or any related information. For more information on permissions, see Platform Essentials > Permissions.

The following are the permissions for the Lists app:

  • Lists (Enable): Can view Lists. This permission allows a user to view Lists and List details.
  • Lists (Edit): Can create, edit, and refresh lists. This permission allows a user to view, create, edit, and refresh lists.
  • Lists (Export): Can create, edit, refresh, and export lists. This permission allows a user to view, create, edit, refresh, and export lists.
  • Lists (Delete): Can create, edit, refresh, and delete lists. This permission allows a user to view, create, edit, refresh, and delete lists.
  • Lists (Admin): All permissions. This permission allows a user to view, edit, refresh, export, and delete lists.

Content permissions

Content permissions are GET permissions that limit access to Record types in Lists app (and FQM) based on the user’s assigned permission(s) to view record types in FOLIO. Content permissions ensure that sensitive and confidential data are available only to library staff who must have access to it.

For a list of Content permissions by Record type, see Lists app permissions: Content permissions.

Supported fields by record type

In the Lists app, the Fields available for building a query and displaying as column headings depend on the selected Record type of the list. See the appropriate table for more information about supported fields by record type:


Field name in Lists app Can use to build query in UI? Option to show as column heading in UI?
Effective library - Code YES YES
Effective library - Name YES YES
Effective location - Code YES YES
Effective location - Name YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition method YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition order format YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition receipt status YES YES
Holdings - Administrative notes NO YES
Holdings - Call number YES YES
Holdings - Call number prefix YES YES
Holdings - Call number suffix YES YES
Holdings - Copy number YES YES
Holdings - Created date YES YES
Holdings - Digitization policy YES YES
Holdings - Electronic access NO YES
Holdings - Former IDs NO YES
Holdings - HRID NO YES
Holdings - Instance UUID YES YES
Holdings - Notes NO YES
Holdings - Number of items YES YES
Holdings - Record version YES YES
Holdings - Retention policy YES YES
Holdings - Shelving title YES YES
Holdings - Statements NO YES
Holdings - Statements for indexes NO YES
Holdings - Statements for supplements NO YES
Holdings - Statistical code names YES YES
Holdings - Statistical code UUIDs NO YES
Holdings - Suppress from discovery YES YES
Holdings - Tags NO YES
Holdings - Updated date YES YES
Holdings - UUID YES YES
Permanent location - Code YES YES
Permanent location - Name YES YES
Temporary location - Code YES YES
Temporary location - Name YES YES


Field name in Lists app Can use to build query in UI? Option to show as column heading in UI?
Instance - Administrative notes NO YES
Instance - Alternative titles NO YES
Instance - Cataloged date YES YES
Instance - Classifications NO YES
Instance - Contributors NO YES
Instance - Created date YES YES
Instance - Date 1 YES YES
Instance - Date 2 YES YES
Instance - Editions NO YES
Instance - Electronic access NO YES
Instance - Format names YES YES
Instance - Identifiers NO YES
Instance - Instance HRID YES YES
Instance - Instance UUID YES YES
Instance - Languages YES YES
Instance - Mode of issuance YES YES
Instance - Notes NO YES
Instance - Physical descriptions NO YES
Instance - Previously held YES YES
Instance - Primary contributor NO YES
Instance - Publication NO YES
Instance - Publication range NO YES
Instance - Series NO YES
Instance - Source YES YES
Instance - Statistical code names YES YES
Instance - Statistical code UUIDs NO YES
Instance - Subject headings NO YES
Instance - Suppress from discovery YES YES
Instance - Tags NO YES
Instance - Updated date YES YES
Instance date type - Name YES YES
Instance status - Code YES YES
Instance status - Term YES YES


Field name in Lists app Can use to build query in UI? Option to show as column heading in UI?
Effective call number - Type YES YES
Effective library - Code YES YES
Effective library - Name YES YES
Effective location - Code YES YES
Effective location - Name YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition method YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition order format YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition receipt status YES YES
Holdings - Administrative notes NO YES
Holdings - Call number YES YES
Holdings - Call number prefix YES YES
Holdings - Call number suffix YES YES
Holdings - Copy number YES YES
Holdings - Created date YES YES
Holdings - Digitization policy YES YES
Holdings - Electronic access NO YES
Holdings - Former IDs NO YES
Holdings - HRID NO YES
Holdings - Instance UUID YES YES
Holdings - Notes NO YES
Holdings - Number of items YES YES
Holdings - Record version YES YES
Holdings - Retention policy YES YES
Holdings - Shelving title YES YES
Holdings - Statements NO YES
Holdings - Statements for indexes NO YES
Holdings - Statements for supplements NO YES
Holdings - Statistical code names YES YES
Holdings - Statistical code UUIDs NO YES
Holdings - Tags NO YES
Holdings - Updated date YES YES
Holdings - UUID YES YES
Permanent location - Code YES YES
Permanent location - Name YES YES
Temporary location - Code YES YES
Temporary location - Name YES YES
Instances - Administrative notes NO YES
Instances - Alternative titles NO YES
Instances - Cataloged date YES YES
Instances - Classifications NO YES
Instances - Contributors NO YES
Instances - Created date YES YES
Instances - Date 1 YES YES
Instances - Date 2 YES YES
Instances - Editions NO YES
Instances - Electronic access NO YES
Instances - Format names YES YES
Instances - Identifiers NO YES
Instances - Instance HRID YES YES
Instances - Instance UUID YES YES
Instances - Languages YES YES
Instances - Mode of issuance YES YES
Instances - Notes NO YES
Instances - Physical descriptions NO YES
Instances - Previously held YES YES
Instances - Primary contributor NO YES
Instances - Publication NO YES
Instances - Publication range NO YES
Instances - Series NO YES
Instances - Source YES YES
Instances - Statistical code names YES YES
Instances - Statistical code UUIDs NO YES
Instances - Subject headings NO YES
Instances - Suppress from discovery YES YES
Instances - Tags NO YES
Instances - Updated date YES YES
Instance date type - Name YES YES
Instance status - Code YES YES
Instance status - Term YES YES
Item call number - Type YES YES
Items - Accession number YES YES
Items - Administrative notes NO YES
Items - Barcode YES YES
Items - Chronology YES YES
Items - Copy number YES YES
Items - Created date YES YES
Items - Description of pieces YES YES
Items - Effective call number YES YES
Items - Effective shelving order YES YES
Items - Electronic access NO YES
Items - Enumeration YES YES
Items - Item call number YES YES
Items - Item HRID YES YES
Items - Item UUID YES YES
Items - Last check in date time YES YES
Items - Notes NO YES
Items - Number of missing pieces YES YES
Items - Number of pieces YES YES
Items - Purchase order line identifier YES YES
Items - Statistical code YES YES
Items - Suppress from discovery YES YES
Items - Tag list NO YES
Items - Updated date YES YES
Items - Version YES YES
Material type - Name YES YES
Permanent location - Code YES YES
Permanent location - Name YES YES
Temporary location - Code YES YES
Temporary location - Name YES YES


Field name in Lists app Can use to build query in UI? Option to show as column heading in UI?
Check in service point - Code YES YES
Check in service point - Discovery display name YES YES
Check in service point - Name YES YES
Check out service point - Code YES YES
Check out service point - Discovery display name YES YES
Check out service point - Name YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition method YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition order format YES YES
Holdings - Acquisition receipt status YES YES
Holdings - Administrative notes NO YES
Holdings - Call number YES YES
Holdings - Call number prefix YES YES
Holdings - Call number suffix YES YES
Holdings - Copy number YES YES
Holdings - Created date YES YES
Holdings - Digitization policy YES YES
Holdings - Electronic access NO YES
Holdings - Former IDs NO YES
Holdings - HRID NO YES
Holdings - Instance UUID YES YES
Holdings - Number of items YES YES
Holdings - Record version YES YES
Holdings - Retention policy YES YES
Holdings - Shelving title YES YES
Holdings - Statements NO YES
Holdings - Statements for indexes NO YES
Holdings - Statements for supplements NO YES
Holdings - Statistical code names YES YES
Holdings - Statistical code UUIDs NO YES
Holdings - Suppress from discovery YES YES
Holdings - Tags NO YES
Holdings - Updated date YES YES
Holdings - UUID YES YES
Instances - Administrative notes NO YES
Instances - Alternative titles NO YES
Instances - Cataloged date YES YES
Instances - Classifications NO YES
Instances - Contributors NO YES
Instances - Created date YES YES
Instances - Date 1 YES YES
Instances - Date 2 YES YES
Instances - Editions NO YES
Instances - Electronic access NO YES
Instances - Format names YES YES
Instances - Identifiers NO YES
Instances - Instance HRID YES YES
Instances - Instance UUID YES YES
Instances - Languages YES YES
Instances - Mode of issuance YES YES
Instances - Notes NO YES
Instances - Physical descriptions NO YES
Instances - Previously held YES YES
Instances - Primary contributor NO YES
Instances - Publication NO YES
Instances - Publication range NO YES
Instances - Record version YES YES
Instances - Resource title YES YES
Instances - Resource type YES YES
Instances - Resource type UUID YES YES
Instances - Series NO YES
Instances - Source YES YES
Instances - Statistical code names YES YES
Instances - Statistical code UUIDs NO YES
Instances - Subject headings NO YES
Instances - Suppress from discovery YES YES
Instances - Tags NO YES
Instances - Updated date YES YES
Item - Accession number YES YES
Item - Administrative notes NO YES
Item - Barcode YES YES
Item - Chronology YES YES
Item - Copy number YES YES
Item - Created date YES YES
Item - Description of pieces YES YES
Item - Effective call number YES YES
Item - Effective shelving order YES YES
Item - Electronic access NO YES
Item - Enumeration YES YES
Item - Item call number YES YES
Item - Item HRID YES YES
Item - Item UUID YES YES
Item - Last check in date time YES YES
Item - Notes NO YES
Item - Number of missing pieces YES YES
Item - Number of pieces YES YES
Item - Purchase order line identifier YES YES
Item - Statistical code YES YES
Item - Status YES YES
Item - Suppress from discovery YES YES
Item - Tag list NO YES
Item - Updated date YES YES
Item - Version YES YES
Loan - Action YES YES
Loan - Checkout date YES YES
Loan - Claimed returned date YES YES
Loan - Created at YES YES
Loan - Declared lost date YES YES
Loan - Due date YES YES
Loan - Due date changed by recall YES YES
Loan - Renewal count YES YES
Loan - Return date YES YES
Loan - Status name YES YES
Loan policy - Name YES YES
Loan policy - UUID NO YES
Material type - Name YES YES
Patron group - Name YES YES
User - Active YES YES
User - Barcode YES YES
User - Expiration date YES YES
User - Last name, first name YES YES


Field name in Lists app Can use to build query in UI? Option to show as column heading in UI?
Access provider YES YES
Accounting code YES YES
Accounts NO YES
Acquisition unit names YES YES
Addresses NO YES
Agreements NO YES
Aliases NO YES
Changelogs NO YES
Claiming interval YES YES
Created at YES YES
Description YES YES
Discount percent YES YES
EDI job scheduled enabled YES YES
EDI organization code YES YES
EDI organization type YES YES
EDI vendor code YES YES
EDI vendor type YES YES
Emails NO YES
Expected activation interval YES YES
Expected invoice interval YES YES
Expected receipt interval YES YES
Export to accounting YES YES
Governmental YES YES
Is donor YES YES
Is vendor YES YES
Language YES YES
Liable for VAT YES YES
Licensor YES YES
Material supplier YES YES
Payment method YES YES
Renewal activation interval YES YES
Status YES YES
Subscription interval YES YES
Tax percentage YES YES
Type names YES YES
Updated at YES YES
Vendor currencies NO YES

Purchase order lines

Field name in Lists app Can use to build query in UI? Option to show as column heading in UI?
Exchange rate - Currency YES YES
Exchange rate - Rate YES YES
PO - Acquisition unit names YES YES
PO - Acquisition unit UUIDs NO YES
PO - Approved YES YES
PO - Created at YES YES
PO - Order type YES YES
PO - PO number YES YES
PO - Re-encumber YES YES
PO - Tags tag list NO YES
PO - Updated at YES YES
PO - Workflow status YES YES
PO assigned to user - Email YES YES
PO assigned to user - Last name, first name YES YES
PO assigned to user - Username YES YES
PO created by user - Email YES YES
PO created by user - Last name, first name YES YES
PO created by user - Username YES YES
PO updated by user - Email YES YES
PO updated by user - Last name, first name YES YES
PO updated by user - Username YES YES
POL - Agreement UUID YES YES
POL - Cost currency YES YES
POL - Cost exchange rate YES YES
POL - Cost PO line estimated price YES YES
POL - Created at YES YES
POL - Description YES YES
POL - Details receiving note YES YES
POL - E-resource create inventory YES YES
POL - E-resources expected activation YES YES
POL - E-resource is activated YES YES
POL - E-resource is trial YES YES
POL - E-resource resource URL YES YES
POL - Is rush YES YES
POL - Order format YES YES
POL - Payment status YES YES
POL - Physical expected receipt date YES YES
POL - PO line number YES YES
POL - Publication date YES YES
POL - Publisher YES YES
POL - Receipt date YES YES
POL - Receipt status YES YES
POL - Selector YES YES
POL - Source YES YES
POL - Title or package YES YES
POL - Updated at YES YES
POL created by user - Email YES YES
POL created by user - Last name, first name YES YES
POL created by user - Username YES YES
POL exchange rate YES YES
POL updated by user - Email YES YES
POL updated by user - Last name, first name YES YES
POL updated by user - Username YES YES
Vendor org - Code YES YES
Vendor org - EDI vendor code YES YES
Vendor org - EDI vendor type YES YES
Vendor org - Is donor YES YES
Vendor org - Is vendor YES YES
Vendor org - Name YES YES
Vendor org - Status YES YES
Vendor org - UUID NO YES


Field name in Lists app Can use to build query in UI? Option to show as column heading in UI?
Patron group - Name YES YES
User - Active YES YES
User - Address NO YES
User - Barcode YES YES
User - Created by user UUID YES YES
User - Created date YES YES
User - Date of birth YES YES
User - Department names YES YES
User - Department UUIDs NO YES
User - Email YES YES
User - Enrollment date YES YES
User - Expiration date YES YES
User - External system ID YES YES
User - First name YES YES
User - Last name YES YES
User - Last name, first name YES YES
User - Middle name YES YES
User - Mobile phone YES YES
User - Phone YES YES
User - Preferred contact type YES YES
User - Preferred first name YES YES
User - Proxy for NO YES
User - Tags tag list NO YES
User - Type YES YES
User - Updated by user UUID YES YES
User - Updated date YES YES
User - User created date YES YES
User - User updated date YES YES
User - User UUID YES YES
User - Username YES YES

View a list

To view a list, open the Lists app. A list of Lists is displayed in the Lists pane. Select a list to view by highlighting and clicking on it. The selected list opens in a new window.


The selection of lists in the Lists pane can be narrowed by applying filters. The following filters are available:

  • Status

    • Active. An active list contains a query and a resulting record set.
    • Inactive. An inactive list contains a query but no record set.
  • Visibility

    • Shared:. Shared lists can be accessed by all users with permissions to the Lists app in this organization.
    • Private. Private lists can only be accessed by the user logged in.
  • Record Types

    • Holdings. Record set includes holdings records.
    • Instance: Record set includes instance records.
    • Items: Record set includes item records.
    • Loans: Record set includes loans.
    • Organizations: Record set includes organization information, such as contact information and agreements.
    • Purchase order lines: Record set includes information about purchase order lines (POLs).
    • Users: Record set includes user records.

List information

The List information section displays details about the list.

  • Source: Username or FOLIO account used to create and update the list.
  • List name: Title of the list
  • Description: A description of the list. This criteria is optional.
  • Visibility: Shared or Private.
  • Status: Active or Inactive


The Query section of the list displays the query string used to retrieve the record set. It also displays the number of records in the record set and a preview of the first 100 records in the record set.

Field headings

In a list, the fields for the record set display as column headings. Customize the display of column headings in the record set by checking or unchecking the field(s) in Actions > Show columns as appropriate.

To view the refreshed list, click Actions > Refresh List and click the View updated list link in the confirmation message.

Create a list

A new list must have List information and a Query assigned to establish the record set for the list. A Test query must be performed before the query can be run and saved.

List information

To add list details for a new list:

  1. In the Lists pane, click on New.
  2. In the New List modal, add the List name, Description, Visibility, and Status criteria in the List information section.
  3. Select the appropriate Record type for the list: Holdings, Instances, Items, Loans, Organizations, Purchase order lines, and Users.
  4. Select the appropriate Visibility setting for the list: Shared or Private.
  5. Select the appropriate Status setting for the list: Active or Inactive.

Build a query

The Build query function in the Lists app allows the user to build a query for these record types: Holdings, Instances, Items, Loans, Organizations, Purchase order lines, and Users. The query string populates in the Query field as the query is built.

To set criteria and build a query for new list, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Build query button to open the Build query window.

  2. Select the Record type for the query.

  3. Select a Field from the Filter options list drop-down menu. The Fields available for selection are based on the Record Type. See Supported fields by List record type for more information.

  4. Select an Operator from the Select operator drop-down list. The operators available for selection are based on the selected Field.

Operator Meaning
equals Field equals the selected Value.
not equal to Field does not equal the selected Value.
contains Field appears in the selected Value.
starts with Field starts with selected Value.
Is null/empty Field is empty; the Field contains no data.
  1. Select a Value from the Select value drop-down list. The Values available for selection are based on the Record Type and Field.
  2. Click on the + icon to add additional lines to the query; Click on the trash can icon to delete a line from the query.
  3. Test query is required whenever building a query for a new list. Click the Test query button to test the query. The total number of records retrieved and a preview of the first 100 records in the record set displays.
  4. Click Run query & save. If saved successfully, a (Name of List) saved successfully message appears momentarily. Once the query is completed, a Refresh complete with (number of) records: View updated list displays at the top of the window.
  5. Click the View updated list link in the confirmation message to view the record set in the list.
  6. In a list, the fields of the record type display as column headings. The default display of column headings is based on the record type assigned to the list. Customize the display of column headings in the record set by checking or unchecking the field(s) in Actions > Show columns as appropriate for the selected record type. See Supported fields by List record type (Lists app) for a list of column heading options.

Update a record set in a list

The record set in a list is static, but the metadata of each record is updated in near real-time. If modification is made to a record outside of the Lists app, the record remains in the record set of the list. The updated record can be viewed by refreshing the list.

To refresh or update the record set in a list:

  1. Click Actions > Refresh list. The system will re-run the query. A Refresh complete with (number of) records confirmation message appears at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the View updated list link in the confirmation message to view the updated record set in the list.

Edit a list

To edit the List information in a list:

  1. Select the list in the Lists pane. The list opens a new window.
  2. Click Actions > Edit List.
  3. In the List information section, edit the List name, Description, Visibility, and/or Status fields as appropriate.
  4. Click Save. A List ListTitle was saved confirmation message will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

To edit the Query in a list, follow these steps:

  1. Select the list in the Lists pane. The list opens a new window.
  2. Click Actions > Edit List.
  3. Open the Query accordion, if necessary, and click Edit query. Make changes to Field, Operator, and/or Value as appropriate. The Query field displays a preview of the query as it is edited.
  4. If necessary, click on the + icon to add additional rows to the query or click on the trash can icon to delete rows from the query.
  5. Test query is required whenever editing a query in an existing list. Click the Test query button to test the query. The total number of records retrieved and a preview of the first 100 records in the record set displays.
  6. Click the Run query & save button. A confirmation message, List ListTitle was saved will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

Duplicate a list

To duplicate a list:

  1. Select the list from the Lists pane. The selected list will open in a new window.
  2. Click Actions > Duplicate List. If duplicating the list without making any changes, click Save. A confirmation message, List (Original List Name) - copy was saved appears in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Edit the List name, Description (optional), or change Visibility and Status, if appropriate.
  4. Edit the query, if appropriate, by clicking the Edit query button.
  5. Make changes to Field, Operator, and/or Value. The Query field displays a preview of the query string as it is edited. If necessary, click on the + icon to add additional rows to the query; click on the trash can icon to delete rows from the query.
  6. Click the Test query button to see how many records are returned and to preview the record set of the list. Test query is required when editing the query of a list before the new query can be run and saved.
  7. Click the Run query & save button. A confirmation message, List DuplicateListName) was saved will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

Delete a list

To delete a list:

  1. Select the list from the Lists pane. The selected list will open in a new window.
  2. Click Actions > Delete List.
  3. A confirmation modal appears: Are you sure you want to delete the list ListTitle?
  4. Click the Delete button to delete the list.

Export a list

A list can be exported from the Lists app and downloaded as a .csv file. To export a list:

  1. Select the list from the Lists pane. The selected list will open in a new window.
  2. Click the Actions button. Select or deselect the column headings to display in your exported file.
  3. Click Actions > Export list (CSV) to download the list as a .csv file. When successfully completed, an Exported list … confirmation message appears in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  4. Depending on your browser settings, the exported list may be automatically saved in your Downloads folder.
Last modified February 17, 2025