
The Organizations app allows you to manage information about organizations associated with your library. Organization records are a place where you can store information about an organization, including contact information, websites, interfaces, and accounts. The organizations you create are shared with the acquisitions and electronic resources management areas of FOLIO in the following apps: Orders, Invoices, Receiving, Agreements, Licenses, and eUsage.

Definition of terms related to the Organizations app:

  • Acquisition units. An additional layer you can add to acquisitions records that restricts a user’s ability to interact with those records unless they have been assigned to that unit. For example, you may create acquisition units to represent the different libraries within your library system. Units are defined and determined by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.
  • Organization. Any institution with which your library interacts. An organization may or may not be an institution from which you purchase materials.
  • Vendor. Any institution from which your library purchases materials.


The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Organizations app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, they are unable to see the Organizations app or any related information.

Organizations permissions:

  • Organizations: Assign acquisition units to new organization. This permission allows the user to assign acquisition units to the organization when creating a new record.
  • Organizations: Can view privileged donor information. This permission allows the user to view the information in the Privileged donor information accordion that appears on Organization records with the donor designation.
  • Organizations: Can view, create, edit, delete privileged donor information. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and delete the information contained in the Privileged donor information accordion that appears on Organization records with the donor designation. Note: This permission must always be assigned in conjunction with either the Organizations: View, edit, create or Organizations: View, edit, delete permissions.
  • Organizations: Integration usernames and passwords: view. This permission allows the user to view the usernames and passwords that appear in the Integration details accordion FTP section.
  • Organizations: Integration usernames and passwords: view, edit. This permission allows the user to view and edit the usernames and passwords that appear in the Integration details accordion FTP details section.
  • Organizations: Interface usernames and passwords: view. This permission allows the user to view the usernames and passwords that appear in the Interface section.
  • Organizations: Interface usernames and passwords: view, edit, create, delete. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and delete the usernames and passwords that appear in the Interface section. Note: This permission must always be assigned in conjunction with either the Organizations: View, edit, create or Organizations: View, edit, delete permissions.
  • Organizations: Manage acquisition units. This permission allows the user to change the assignment of acquisition units for the organization when editing a record.
  • Organizations: View. This permission allows the user to search and view organization records and settings. The user can also access Contacts and Interfaces but cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.
  • Organizations: View and edit banking information. This permission allows the user to view and edit the information contained in the Banking information accordion of an Organization record with a vendor designation. Note: Banking information must also be enabled in Settings > Organizations > Banking information.
  • Organizations: View banking information. This permission allows the user to view the information contained in the Banking information accordion of an Organization record with a vendor designation. Note: Banking information must also be enabled in Settings > Organizations > Banking information.
  • Organizations: View, edit. This permission allows the user to edit and view organizations. The user can also access Contacts, but they cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.
  • Organizations: View, edit and create banking information. This permission allows the user to view and edit information contained in the Banking information accordion of an Organization record with a vendor designation, as well as create new entries. Note: Banking information must also be enabled in Settings > Organizations > Banking information.
  • Organizations: View, edit, create. This permission allows the user to create, edit, and view organizations. The user can also access Contacts, but they cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.
  • Organizations: View, edit, create and delete banking information. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete information contained in the Banking information accordion of an Organization record with a vendor designation, as well as create new entries. Note: Banking information must also be enabled in Settings > Organizations > Banking information.
  • Organizations: View, edit, delete. This permission allows the user to view, edit, and delete organizations. The user can also access Contacts, but they cannot access Interface usernames and passwords.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts allow you to perform actions in this app using the keyboard. See Platform essentials > Keyboard shortcuts for more information.

Creating an organization

When creating an organization, you either create it as a general organization or specifically as a vendor. If you create the organization as a vendor, you can add additional vendor-related information. For more information on creating a vendor, see Creating a vendor.

  1. In the Organizations pane, click New.

  2. In the Create organization window, fill in the Summary, Contact information, Contact people, and Interface sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.

  3. Once you have included all of the information you want about the organization, click Save & close. The organization is saved and added to the Organizations pane.


  • Name (required). The name of the organization.
  • Code (required). A unique identifier for the organization. Note: You cannot have duplicate vendor codes. The codes for each organization must be different.
  • Accounting code. The accounting code used by your library in your payment system in reference to the organization.
  • Organization status (required). Select an organization status: Active, Inactive, or Pending. The status you select here is evaluated by the Orders and Invoices apps. Orders can only be opened and invoices can only be paid if the organization is a vendor with an Active status. You may want to use the Pending status to signify that the organization record is a draft.
  • Type. Select one or more organization types. See Settings > Organizations > Creating a new type for more information.
  • Default language. Select the organization’s default language.
  • Acquisition units. Select the Acquisition units you want to apply to the organization record. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.
  • Description. Enter a description of the organization.
  • Donor. If you wish to include donor information on the Organization record, select the Donor checkbox. See Privileged donor information for more information.
  • Vendor. If you are creating a vendor organization, select the Vendor checkbox . See Creating a vendor for more information.
  • Alternative names. Alternative names used by the organization, such as abbreviations or prior names.

Adding an alternative name

Note: Adding an alternative name is optional, but if you click Add alternative names, you must enter an Alias or delete the alternative name in order to save the organization record.

  1. Click Add alternative names.

  2. Enter the organization’s Alias in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description about the alias in the box.

  4. Repeat as needed. The alternative name saves once you save the organization.

Deleting an alternative name

  1. Find the Alternative name you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The alternative name is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.

Contact information

The Contact information section stores organizational contact information that is not specific to individual people at the organization. You can add contact information for specific individuals in the Contact people section, which is described below.

Categories for contact information are configured in the Settings app. If you assign a category to any type of contact information you enter in this section, the contact information is then sorted by that category when you view the organization.

  • Address. The addresses associated with the organization. You can add multiple addresses.
  • Phone numbers. The phone numbers associated with the organization. You can add multiple phone numbers.
  • Email address. The email addresses associated with the organization. You can add multiple email addresses.
  • URLs. The URLs associated with the organization. You can add multiple websites or FTP connections.

Adding an address

  1. Click Add address.

  2. Fill in the address information.

  3. Repeat as needed. The address saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple addresses, select the Use as primary address checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary address. The primary address is included in the invoice voucher extract. See Invoices > Voucher information for more information.

Deleting an address

  1. Find the address you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The address is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.

Adding a phone number

  1. Click Add phone number.

  2. Enter the Phone number in the box.

  3. Optional: Select the Type of phone number from the drop-down list: Office, Mobile, Fax, or Other.

  4. Optional: Select the Language spoken at that number from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The phone number saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple numbers, select the Use as primary phone checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary number.

Deleting a phone number

  1. Find the phone number you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The phone number is removed and is deleted once you save the organization.

Adding an email address

  1. Click Add email.

  2. Enter the Email address in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the email in the box.

  4. Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed.The email address saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple email addresses, select the Use as primary email checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary email address.

Deleting an email address

  1. Find the email address you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The email address is removed and is deleted once you save the organization.

Adding a URL

The URL can be a website or FTP link.

  1. Click Add URL.

  2. Enter the URL in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the URL in the box.

  4. Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the URL.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The URL saves once you save the organization. Note: If you are adding multiple URLs, select the Use as primary URL checkbox at the top of the organization’s primary URL.

Deleting a URL

  1. Find the URL you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The URL is removed and is deleted once you save the organization.

Contact people

Creating a new contact

If you need to create a new contact, see Creating a contact person.

Adding an existing contact

  1. Click Add contact.

  2. In the Add contacts dialog, search for the contact you want to add.

  3. In the Search results, select the checkbox next to the contact(s) you want to add. You can add multiple contacts at a time.

  4. Click Save. The contact(s) appear under the Contact people section.

Deleting a contact

  1. Find the contact you want to delete.

  2. Click the x. The contact is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.


An interface is a website, software, or portal that you use to manage orders or gather statistics from the organization.

Creating a new interface

For more information, see Creating an interface.

Adding an existing interface

  1. Click Add interface.

  2. In the Add interfaces dialog, search for the interface you want to add.

  3. In the Search results, select the checkbox next to the interface(s) you want to add. You can add multiple interfaces at a time.

  4. Click Save. The interface(s) appear under the Interface section.

Removing an interface from the organization record

  1. Find the interface you want to delete.

  2. Click the x. The interface is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.

Privileged donor information

This accordion appears on any Organization record with the Donor checkbox selected. Only staff members with permissions to view data in this accordion will be able to access this information. Donors can be associated with both fund records and purchase order lines.

Creating a new donor

For more information, see Creating a donor.

Adding an existing donor

  1. Click Add donor.

  2. In the Add contacts dialog, search for the donor you want to add.

  3. In the Search results, select the checkbox next to the donor(s) you want to add. You can add multiple donors at a time.

  4. Click Save. The donor(s) appear under the Privileged donor information section.

Removing a donor from the organization record

  1. Find the donor you want to delete.

  2. Click the x. The donor is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the organization.

Creating a vendor

  1. In the Organizations pane, click New.

  2. In the Create organization window, in the Summary section, select the Vendor checkbox. Vendor sections appear.

  3. Continue filling in the Summary section. Fill in the Contact information, Contact people, Interface, Vendor information, Vendor terms, and Accounts sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.

  4. Once you have included all of the information you want about the vendor, click Save & close. The vendor is saved and added to the Organizations pane.

  5. In the newly created Organization record’s detail pane, see the accordion sections to add Notes and Integration details. For more information, see Adding a note to an organization and Adding integration details to a vendor organization.


For more information, see Summary.

Contact information

For more information, see Contact information.

Contact people

For more information, see Contact people.


For more information, see Interface.

Vendor information

The information that you enter under Vendor information sets some of the defaults that appear when you apply the vendor to an order or invoice.

  • Payment method. The payment method that you want to appear as the default payment method for the vendor on an invoice. See Invoices > Extended information for more information.
  • Vendor currencies. The currencies accepted by the vendor.
  • Expected activation interval. The standard activation period for the vendor, in days. Note: The interval you enter here is used in the Activation due field in the E-resources details section of an order line associated with the vendor. For example, if you set the interval to 365, the Activation due field is populated with the date that falls one year from the date the order line is created.
  • Expected invoice interval. The standard invoice interval for the vendor, in days. Currently, this information does not display on invoices.
  • Claiming interval. The standard claim period for the vendor, in days. This value will carry over to the purchase order lines (POL) associated with this vendor. The default value may be overridden on an individual POL or receiving title. This interval represents how long after a piece’s expected receipt date it should be marked ‘Late’ if the piece is not received.
  • Expected receipt interval. The standard period during which ordered items are received from the vendor, in days.
  • Discount percent. The discount negotiated with the vendor, as a percent value. When creating an order line for an order with the vendor, this value appears as the default in the discount field.
  • Renewal activation interval. The standard renewal activation period for this vendor, in days.
  • Subscription interval. The standard subscription period for the vendor, in days.
  • Export to accounting. To indicate that invoices for the vendor should create voucher records for export to an external accounts payable system, select the Export to accounting checkbox. When creating an invoice for the vendor, the value on the Organization record sets the default value for the invoice Export to accounting field.


The information that you enter under Tax sets the defaults that appear when you apply the vendor to an order.

  • Tax ID. The Federal Tax Identification Number for the vendor. This is also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and is used to identify a business entity.
  • Tax percentage. The standard tax rate for the vendor. For vendors liable for a value added tax (VAT), the percentage value can be stored here for reference.
  • Liable for VAT. To indicate that the vendor is liable for value-added tax (VAT), select the Liable for VAT checkbox.

Vendor terms

Vendor terms are the summary of an agreement with the vendor. The agreements may be acquisitions/fulfillment-related or e-resource-related. The values entered here do not appear on orders or invoice records.

Note: Adding vendor terms is optional, but if you click Add, you must add a Name or delete the vendor term in order to save the organization record.

Adding a vendor term

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter the Name of the term in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter or select the Discount % in the box.

  4. Optional: Enter a Reference URL in the box.

  5. Optional: Enter any Notes about the agreement in the box.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. Terms are saved once you save the vendor.

Deleting a vendor term

  1. Find the vendor term you want to delete.

  2. Select the trash can icon. The term is removed and is deleted once you save the vendor.


The account section describes your library accounts with a vendor used for ordering materials.

Note: Adding an account is optional, but if you click Add, you must fill in the required fields or delete the account in order to save the organization record.

Adding an account

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter the account Name in the box.

  3. Enter the Account number in the box. This number is usually assigned by the vendor. Note: The account number entered here appears as a default value on any orders or invoices for the vendor. If you have multiple accounts set up in this section, the first account number displays as the default on orders and invoices, but you can select the appropriate number from a drop-down list that contains all the account numbers associated with the vendor.

  4. Optional: Enter a Description of the account in the box.

  5. Optional: Enter the Accounting code in the box.

  6. Optional: Select the Payment method from the drop-down list.

  7. Select the Account status from the drop-down list.

  8. Optional: Enter Contact info in the box.

  9. Optional: Enter the Library code in the box. This is the library-supplied code for the account with the vendor.

  10. Optional: Enter the Library EDI code in the box.

  11. Optional: Enter any Notes about the account in the box.

  12. Optional: Select any Acquisition units from the drop-down list. For more information on acquisition units, see Settings > Acquisition units.

  13. Repeat steps 1-12 as needed. Accounts are saved once you save the vendor.

Deleting an account

  1. Find the account you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The account is removed and is deleted once you save the vendor.

Banking information

This accordion will appear on Organization records where the Vendor checkbox is selected, only if activated in Settings > Organizations > Banking information. This section allows storage of banking details to fulfil payments to the associated vendor. Staff users must have permissions to view and interact with the data in this accordion.

Adding banking information

  1. Click Add banking information.
  2. Enter the Bank name.
  3. Enter the Bank account number.
  4. Enter the Transit number.
  5. Select an Address category from the dropdown menu. The address category is derived from the addresses added in the Contact information accordion. The category you select here will determine which address is associated with the banking information.
  6. Select an Account type from the dropdown menu. Account types are configured in Settings > Organizations > Account types.
  7. Add notes, if desired.

Deleting banking information

  1. Find the banking information you want to delete.
  2. Click the trash can icon. The banking informaton is removed and is deleted once you save the vendor.

Searching for an organization

You can search for organizations in the Search & filter pane. To search for an organization, enter your search terms into the box. Select the All drop-down list to search through one of the following fields:

  • All. All fields. This is the default search.
  • Name. The name of the organization.
  • Code. A unique identifier for the organization.
  • Language. The default language of the organization. Enter the language code (ex: ‘eng’ or ‘fra’) to search for organizations with this default language. Entering the language name in this search box will not retrieve results.
  • Alias. Alternative names used by the organization, such as abbreviations or prior names.
  • Accounting code. The accounting code used by your library in your payment system in reference to the organization.
  • Tax ID. Your library’s tax identifier number.
  • Bank account number. The bank account number associated with the organization’s banking information, if configured.

You can also search for organizations by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane. Additionally, you can apply the filters after you perform a search to limit your results. See the sections below for more information.

Organization status

To filter organizations by their status, select one of the following:

  • Active. Organizations currently used by your library.
  • Inactive. Organizations previously used by your library.
  • Pending. Organizations that are not yet available for use. Pending could indicate that the organization record is not yet complete.


To search for organizations assigned with specific types, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Types.

  2. Select the type(s) from the drop-down list. Your results appear in the Organizations pane.


To search for organizations assigned with specific tags, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Tags.

  2. Select the tag(s) from the drop-down list. Your results appear in the Organizations pane.

Is donor

To filter organizations by whether or not they are a donor, select one of the following:

  • Yes. Organizations that are donors (have the Donor checkbox selected).
  • No. Organizations that are not donors.

Is vendor

To filter organizations by whether or not they are a vendor, select one of the following:

  • Yes. Organizations that are vendors (have the Vendor checkbox selected).
  • No. Organizations that are not vendors.


To search for organizations with offices in a specific country, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Country.

  2. Select the country from the drop-down list. Your search results appear in the Organizations pane.


To search for organizations that communicate in a specific language, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Languages.

  2. Select the language from the drop-down list. Your search results appear in the Organizations pane. Note: This filter may not retrieve all expected records for organizations loaded to FOLIO through an API. This tool is filtering by language name rather than language code. For records created directly in FOLIO this filter does retrieve the expected records by language.

Payment method

To filter organizations by their default payment method, as indicated in the Vendor information section of a vendor record, select one of the following options:

  • Cash. Default payment method of cash.
  • Credit card. Default payment method of credit card.
  • EFT. Default payment method of electronic funds transfer.
  • Deposit account. Default payment method of deposit account.
  • Physical check. Default payment method of physical check.
  • Bank draft. Default payment method of bank draft.
  • Internal transfer. Default payment method of internal transfer.
  • Other. Default payment method of other.

Acquisitions unit

To search for organizations to which one or more acquisitions units have been assigned, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Acquisitions unit.

  2. Select the acquisitions unit from the drop-down list. The search results appear in the Organizations pane.

Created by

To search for organizations created by a specific user, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Created by.

  2. Click Find User.

  3. In the Select User dialog, search for the user.

  4. Select the user you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Organizations pane.

Date created

To search for organizations based on the date they were created, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Date created.

  2. Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.

  3. Click Apply. The search results appear in the Organizations pane.

Updated by

To search for organizations updated by a specific user, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Updated by.

  2. Click Find User.

  3. In the Select User dialog, search for the user.

  4. Select the user you want to filter by. The search results appear in the Organizations pane.

Date updated

To search for organizations based on the date they were created, follow these steps:

  1. In the Search & filter pane, click Date updated.

  2. Enter a start date in the From box and an end date in the To box.

  3. Click Apply. The search results appear in the Organizations pane.

Viewing organization details

Once you search for an organization, the following information appears in the Organizations pane:

  • Name. The name of the organization.
  • Code. A unique identifier for the organization.
  • Description. A description of the organization.
  • Organization status. The status of the organization: Active, Inactive, or Pending.
  • Vendor. Whether the organization is a vendor or not.

In the search results, click on an organization to view it. The Organization details pane displays with additional information about the organization in the following accordion sections:

Editing an organization

  1. Find the organization you want to edit and select it.

  2. In the Organization details pane, click Actions > Edit.

  3. Edit the organization.

  4. Click Save & close. The organization is saved and updated.

Changing a vendor to an organization

Note: Changing a vendor to an organization removes all Vendor information, Vendor terms, Accounts, and Banking information from the record.

  1. Find the organization you want to edit and select it.

  2. In the Organization details pane, clear the Vendor checkbox.

  3. In the Confirm vendor data deletion dialog, click Confirm. The Vendor information, Vendor terms, Accounts, and Banking information sections are removed.

  4. Make any additional changes to the organization.

  5. Click Save & close. The organization is saved and updated.

Deleting an organization

The system allows you to delete a vendor organization even if there are orders or invoices associated with the vendor. If you try to take actions such as adding a PO line or paying an invoice associated with the deleted vendor you will see error messages explaining that that vendor has been deleted.

  1. Find the organization you want to delete and select it.

  2. In the Organization details pane, click Actions > Delete.

  3. In the Delete organization dialog, click Delete. The organization is deleted and a confirmation message appears.

View export log

To view a log of orders exported to a vendor organization that is set up for EDI integration, follow these steps:

  1. Find the organization for which you want to view an export log and select it.

  2. In the Organization details pane, click Actions > View export log.

  3. The Export Manager app opens with the Search & Filter pane set to view exports related to the selected vendor organization. See the Export Manager documentation for more information about viewing export jobs.

Adding a tag to an organization

  1. Find the organization you want to tag and select it.

  2. In the Organization details pane, click the tag icon.

  3. In the Tags pane, either select a tag from the box or enter a tag.

  4. Click the X on the Tags pane to close the pane and save the tag. The tag number updates to the number of tags applied to the organization.

Adding a note to an organization

  1. Find the organization to which you want to add a note and select it.

  2. In the Organization details pane, click Notes > New.

  3. In the New note window, select the Note type from the drop-down list. Note types are created in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Notes.

  4. Enter a Note title in the box.

  5. Optional: Enter any Details about the note in the box.

  6. Click Save & close. The note is saved and appears in the Notes section in the Organization details pane.

Adding integration details to a vendor organization

This section enables orders to be exported to vendors in EDIFACT format. To add information about one or more integrations for a vendor organization, follow these steps:

  1. Find the organization to which you want to add an integration and select it.

  2. In the Organization details pane, click on Integration details to expand the accordion section.

  3. Click Add integration. The Create integration window opens.

  4. Add information to the Integration information, EDI configuration, FTP details, and Scheduling sections. For more information on the fields and actions available in these sections, see the section descriptions below.

  5. Click Save & close. The integration is saved and appears in the Integration details section in the Organization details pane.

Integration information

  • Integration name (required). The name for this integration.
  • Description A description of this integration.
  • Default integration. Select this checkbox if your organization doesn’t have any account numbers. This indicates that any order tagged for export that is not related to a specific account for this organization should follow this default configuration.

EDI configuration

  • Account numbers (required). All account numbers created in Vendor account section of the organization are listed. Click on all vendor account numbers to be included in this EDI configuration. To select multiple account numbers for this configuration, use shift+click. When you move your cursor to another field you will see the highlight persist on the selected account number(s).

  • Automate order export for acquisition methods. All order acquisition methods are listed. To automatically export orders for this vendor using specific order acquisitions methods, click on the acquisition method name. When creating orders, you can override this default behavior by checking the Manual checkbox on the purchase order. To select multiple acquisition methods to export automatically, use shift+click. When you move your cursor to another field you will see the highlight persist on the selected acquisition methods.

  • Vendor EDI code (required). The vendor identifier for EDI transactions

  • Vendor EDI type. Select one of the Vendor EDI types, which designates the type of identifier used as the vendor identifier: 014/EAN, 31B/US-SAN, 091/Vendor-assigned, or 092/Customer-assigned.

  • Library EDI code (required). The library identifier for EDI transactions

  • Library EDI type. Select one of the Library EDI types, which designates the type of identifier used as the library identifier: 014/EAN, 31B/US-SAN, 091/Vendor-assigned, or 092/Customer-assigned.

  • EDI naming convention. The naming convention that sets the expected structure to be used for outgoing FOLIO EDI files. This is currently a static value, using system-defined tokens. The naming convention will be configurable in a future release.

  • Send account number. If you send your account number with orders or invoices, select this checkbox. If selected, the account number is required for the PO/POL and is included in the EDI order file.

  • What messages are expected for this vendor? If your library expects to send EDI orders to the vendor, select the Orders checkbox. If your library expects to receive EDI invoices from the vendor, select the Invoices checkbox.

  • Notes. Notes about the integration details for this vendor.

FTP details

  • EDI FTP. Select FTP format in which the library expects to transact with the vendor: SFTP or FTP.
  • FTP mode. Select the transmission mode the library expects to use with the vendor: ASCII or Binary.
  • Server address. The address for the vendor’s FTP server.
  • FTP connection mode. Select the connection mode: Active or Passive.
  • Username. The username for the FTP, if a login username is required for this vendor. See Organizations permissions for more information about permissions related to viewing and editing integration credentials.
  • Password. The password for the FTP, if a login password is required for this vendor. The password is automatically hidden. Click Show to display the password. Click Hide to stop displaying the password.
  • FTP port (required). The FTP port number.
  • Order directory. The subdirectory where orders should be placed, if different from the main FTP directory for this vendor. Ex: /directory.
  • Invoice directory. The subdirectory where invoices should be retrieved, if different from the main FTP directory for this vendor. Ex: /directory.
  • Notes. Notes about the FTP details for this vendor integration.


  • Schedule EDI. If you want to schedule the EDI, select the Schedule EDI checkbox.
  • Schedule period. The period between automated exports to the vendor. Choose from Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  • Date. If you choose a schedule period of Daily, the date field appears. Use the calendar function to select the start date for this schedule.
  • Schedule frequency. If you choose a schedule period of Hourly, Daily, or Weekly, the schedule frequency field appears. Enter the numeric value for the hourly, daily, or weekly frequency of this scheduled integration.
  • Time. Click on this field to view an hour and time select list. Choose the scheduled time for this automated export.
  • S M T W Th F S. If you choose a schedule period of Weekly, the day of the week checkboxes appear. Choose the days for this weekly automated export.
  • Day. If you choose a schedule period of monthly, enter the day of the month the automatic export should occur.

Creating a contact person

Note: If you need to create a new contact, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new contact process. Creating a new contact takes you out of the organization window.

  1. Click Add contact.

  2. In the Add contacts dialog, click New. If you have not saved your organization information, you are prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the Create contact window, fill in the fields in the Name, Emails, Phone numbers, URLs, and Addresses sections. See below for more information.

  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the contact is saved.

  5. A new accordion is added to the contact person detail pane containing the following information:

  • Record last updated. Date and time of the last record update.
  • Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
  • Record created. Date and time of record creation.
  • Source. Name of the user who last created the record.
  • Prefix. Title of the contact.
  • Last name. The surname of the contact.
  • First name. The given name of the contact.
  • Status. Select the status of the contact from the drop-down list: Active or Inactive.
  • Language. The primary language spoken by the contact.
  • Categories. Select any categories from the drop-down list that describe the contact. Categories are configured in the Settings app. See Settings > Organizations > Categories for more information.
  • Notes. Any notes related to the contact.
Adding an email address
  1. Click Add email.

  2. Enter the Email address in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the email in the box.

  4. Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed.The email address saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple emails, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary email address. The Primary email will display as the first result.

Deleting an email address
  1. Find the email address you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The email address is removed and is deleted once you save the contact.

Phone numbers
Adding a phone number
  1. Click Add phone number.

  2. Enter the Phone number in the box.

  3. Optional: Select the Type of number from the drop-down list: Office, Mobile, Fax, or Other.

  4. Optional: Select the Language spoken at that number from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The phone number saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple phone numbers, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary phone number. The Primary phone number will display as the first result.

Deleting a phone number
  1. Find the phone number you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The phone number is removed and is deleted once you save the contact.

Adding a URL

The URL can be a website or FTP link.

  1. Click Add URL.

  2. Enter the URL in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the URL in the box.

  4. Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the URL.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The URL saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple URLs, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary URL. The Primary URL will display as the first result.

Deleting a URL
  1. Find the URL you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The URL is removed and is deleted once you save the contact.

Adding an address
  1. Click Add address.

  2. Fill in the address information.

  3. Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The address saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple addresses, click Primary to indicate the contact’s primary address. The Primary address will display as the first result.

Deleting an address
  1. Find the address you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The address is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the contact.

Editing a contact person

Note: If you need to edit a contact, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new contact process. Editing contact takes you out of the organization window.

  1. Add the contact you want to edit to Contact people if you have not already.

  2. Click the contact you want to edit. If you have not saved your organization information, you are prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the contact window, click Actions > Edit.

  4. Edit the contact.

  5. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the contact is updated.

Unassigning a contact person

See Deleting a contact for an alternate way to remove a contact from an organization.

  1. Add the contact you want to unassign to Contact people if you have not already.

  2. Click the contact you want to unassign. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the contact window, click Actions > Unassign.

  4. In the Unassign from organization dialog, click Confirm. A confirmation message appears, the contact is removed from the organization, and the organization window appears.

Deleting a contact person

Deleting a contact person removes that person from your library’s list of contacts. If you only need to remove a contact from an organization record, see Deleting a contact.

  1. Add the contact you want to delete to Contact people if you have not already.

  2. Click the contact you want to delete. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the contact window, click Actions > Delete.

  4. In the Delete contact dialog, click Confirm. The contact is deleted and the organization window appears.

Creating an interface

Note: If you need to create a new interface, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new interface process. Creating an interface takes you out of the organization window.

  1. Click Add interface.

  2. In the Add interfaces dialog, click New. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the Create interface window, fill in the fields. See below for more information.

  4. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the interface is saved.

Interface fields

  • Type. The type of interface you are adding: Admin, End user, Reports, Orders, Invoices, or Other.
  • Name. The name of the interface.
  • URI. The URI of the interface.
  • Username. The username needed to log into the interface. See Organizations permissions for more information about permissions related to viewing and editing interface credentials.
  • Password. The password needed to log into the interface. Click Show to display the password. Click Hide to stop displaying the password.
  • Notes. Any notes about the interface.
  • Available. Select the Available checkbox to indicate whether statistics are available through this interface.
  • Delivery method. Select the statistics’ Delivery method from the drop-down list: Online, FTP, Email, or Other.
  • Statistics format. Select the statistics’ Statistics format from the drop-down list: Counter, Delimited, Excel, PDF, ASCII, HTML, or Other.
  • Locally stored. The location of the statistics if they are locally stored.
  • Online location. The online location of the statistics. For example, a vendor website.
  • Statistics notes. Any notes about the statistics.

Editing an interface

Note: If you need to edit an interface, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new interface process. Editing an interface takes you out of the organization window.

  1. Add the interface you want to edit to the Interface section if you have not already.

  2. Click the interface you want to edit. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the contact window, click Actions > Edit.

  4. Edit the interface.

  5. Click Save. A confirmation message appears and the interface is updated.

Unassigning an interface

See Deleting an interface for an alternate way to remove an interface from an organization.

  1. Add the interface you want to unassign to the Interface section if you have not already.

  2. Click the interface you want to unassign. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the contact window, click Actions > Unassign.

  4. In the Unassign from organization dialog, click Confirm. A confirmation message appears, the contact is removed from the organization, and the organization window appears.

Deleting an interface

Deleting an interface removes it from your library’s list of interfaces. If you only need to remove an interface from an organization record, see Deleting an interface.

  1. Add the interface you want to delete to the Interface section if you have not already.

  2. Click the interface you want to delete. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the contact window, click Actions > Delete.

  4. In the Delete interface dialog, click Confirm. The contact is deleted and the organization window appears.

Creating a donor

Note: If you need to create a new donor, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the new donor process. Creating a new donor takes you out of the organization window.

  1. Click Add donor.

  2. In the Add contacts dialog, click New. If you have not saved your organization information, you are prompted to do so before continuing.

  3. In the Create contact window, fill in the fields in the Name, Emails, Phone numbers, URLs, and Addresses sections. See below for more information.

  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the contact is saved.

  5. A new accordion is added to the donor detail pane containing the following information:

  • Record last updated. Date and time of the last record update.
  • Source. Name of the user who last updated the record.
  • Record created. Date and time of record creation.
  • Source. Name of the user who last created the record.
  • Prefix. Title of the donor.
  • Last name. The surname of the donor.
  • First name. The given name of the donor.
  • Status. Select the status of the donor from the drop-down list: Active or Inactive.
  • Language. The primary language spoken by the donor.
  • Categories. Select any categories from the drop-down list that describe the donor. Categories are configured in the Settings app. See Settings > Organizations > categories for more information.
  • Note. Any notes related to the donor.
Adding an email address
  1. Click Add email.

  2. Enter the Email address in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the email in the box.

  4. Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed.The email address saves once you save the contact. Note: If you are adding multiple emails, click Primary to indicate the donor’s primary email address. The Primary email will display as the first result.

Deleting an email address
  1. Find the email address you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The email address is removed and is deleted once you save the donor.

Phone numbers
Adding a phone number
  1. Click Add phone number.

  2. Enter the Phone number in the box.

  3. Optional: Select the Type of number from the drop-down list: Office, Mobile, Fax, or Other.

  4. Optional: Select the Language spoken at that number from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the email address.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The phone number saves once you save the donor. Note: If you are adding multiple phone numbers, click Primary to indicate the donor’s primary phone number. The Primary phone number will display as the first result.

Deleting a phone number
  1. Find the phone number you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The phone number is removed and is deleted once you save the donor.

Adding a URL

The URL can be a website or FTP link.

  1. Click Add URL.

  2. Enter the URL in the box.

  3. Optional: Enter a Description of the URL in the box.

  4. Optional: Select a Language from the drop-down list.

  5. Optional: Select any Categories from the drop-down list that describe the URL.

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 as needed. The URL saves once you save the donor. Note: If you are adding multiple URLs, click Primary to indicate the donor’s primary URL. The Primary URL will display as the first result.

Deleting a URL
  1. Find the URL you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The URL is removed and is deleted once you save the donor.

Adding an address
  1. Click Add address.

  2. Fill in the address information.

  3. Repeat steps 1-2 as needed. The address saves once you save the donor. Note: If you are adding multiple addresses, click Primary to indicate the donor’s primary address. The Primary address will display as the first result.

Deleting an address
  1. Find the address you want to delete.

  2. Click the trash can icon. The address is deleted and is removed from the record once you save the donor.

Editing a donor

Note: If you need to edit a donor, you should save your progress on the organization you are creating or wait until you have completed entering all organization information before you start the edit donor process. Editing the donor takes you out of the organization window.

  1. Click the donor you want to edit. If you have not saved your organization information, you are prompted to do so before continuing.

  2. In the contact window, click Actions > Edit.

  3. Edit the donor.

  4. Click Save & close. A confirmation message appears and the donor is updated.

Deleting a donor

Deleting a donor removes that person from your library’s list of donors.

  1. Click the donor you want to delete. If you have not saved your organization information, you will be prompted to do so before continuing.

  2. In the donor window, click Actions > Delete.

  3. In the Delete contact dialog, click Confirm. The donor is deleted and the organization window appears.

Last modified August 26, 2024